Founder of Ramakrishna Vivekananda Mission, Rev. Swami Nityanandaji Maharaj had a long cherished desire to set up a school under Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi and for that purpose he contacted the then Delhi Govt. Headed by Hon’ble CM of Delhi Smt. Shila Dikshit but he could not start it for not having NOC from the Govt. of West Bengal at that time.
However, his desire has been fulfilled by his followers after his demise. In Sept. 2014, the Governing Body of RKVM, Barrackpore took a decision to utilise its valuable land at 3, B. T. Road, Agarpara for starting a CBSE School in the name of our National Hero Swami Vivekananda. After making proper arrangements the Agarpara Swami Vivekananda Academy started functioning from the Academic session 2015 – 2016 with affiliation of the School from CBSE as a Middle School with 517 Students & 23 Staff only. In course of time the School has functioned well and has been upgraded as a X – Class High School (Secondary School) by CBSE during the session 2019 – 2020 with total students Strength 658 and 37 Staff.
The Ramakrishna Vivekananda Mission has already been running many schools all over India because the system of Education for holistic development of child is very popular. Specially the modern system of Education as expounded by Swami Vivekananda is unparallel for regeneration of every individual and India as a whole.
For offering good education at a very minimum price is a goal of the Mission and we urge all our staff to focus their attention towards the goal of the School to make it excellent in terms of its input to the society. With prayer to the holy feet of Sri Sri Ramakrishna, Holy Mother and Swami Vivekananda ,